Screen - unique logs for each run

| categories: workflow, linux | View Comments

Screen is a little wrap around linux shell that enables detaching and logging out while the session you created is still running. It could be used for lots of different purposes, and running an intensive computation on a remote computer is an obvious example.

You would normally do :

1: screen -md -L -S session_name your_program

-md = detach immediately after running, and return to the current terminal session -L = create a log file -S = create meaningful name for your session

To check the stat of your sessions you will use:

1: screen -ls

To have different log files with unique names for different sessions, you need to create a ~/.screenrc file, with the following single line

logfile screenlog-%Y%m%d-%c:%s

Copyright (C) 2015 by Avi Gozolchiani. See the License for information about copying.

org-mode source

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