Regridding unequally spaced sampled field, and plotting an imagesc

| categories: matlab, octave | View Comments

In a previous post we discussed a better way for using imagesc, with a more sane colormap. Let's now speak about the grid. Imagesc will happily embed every xy-axis you plug in, without checking whether dimensions fit. If your grid is non-equally spaced - it will just draw the z-axis on a regular axis (i.e. ignoring the xy input), and show the xy-axes as if they genuinely represent the input. My conclusion from this wild behavior is - never use imagesc on non-equally spaced data. Matlab has nice interpolant interfaces to help you get your data equally gridded.

1: [x1,y1]=ndgrid(x,y); % this step is actually not crucial
2: I = griddedInterpolant(x1,y1,z);  
3: x1 = linspace(min(x),max(x),5);     % Define an equally spaced grid
4: y1 = linspace(min(y),max(y),5);
5: [x1,y1]=ndgrid(x1,y1);
6: z1=I(x1,y1);
7: myimagesc(x1(1,:),y1(:,1),z1,0.55,0.95,0.05);

Where your input parameters to myimagesc may vary, and you could replace "5" by whatever division of the equally spaced grids you fancy.

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